Thursday, January 19, 2023

Mandala CL

Mandala CL.  2023. Custom framed:  35 1/2" x 35 1/2".  Found objects hand-stitched to a section of an antique quilt. Found Objects include: A trivet on which a War Mouth restaurant decal is affixed; corn cob holders; Peet's coffee K-cups; orange, six-pack, plastic beer yolk circles; bottle caps; dairy product pull tabs; assorted, metal "church key" bottle openers; olive forks; baby food spoons; souvenir spoons and forks; copper-colored plastic knives; cookie cutters; Mason Jar canning lids; bread closure tabs; red, plastic McCormick spice shaker lids; purple, plastic lids; buttons and beads.

In the collection of The War Mouth restaurant.

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